- If you are traveling by plane and you know you won't be afforded a substantial meal while in the air for several or more hours, you can pack certain types of foods in a cold-pack in your carry-on. Choose foods like pasture-raised eggs that you boil in advance, peel, and place in a plastic bag. Raw cheese, raw nuts, and certain organic fruits such as pears, grapes, apples, and even dried fruits are fine to consume sometimes as long as they are organic and do not contain chemicals like sulfur or preservatives. Bananas are not a good choice unless you eat them within an hour or so because they tend to soften quickly in containers and can make a big mess in your carry-on.
- If you eat them soon, you can also carry fresh organic vegetables in plastic bags in your cold pack. Broccoli, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and even spring greens can be good choices. If you bring greens of any kind, try to place them away from direct placement against your cold-pack or ice pack of choice. Extremely cold exposure can cause greens to blacken and become slimy.
- Good-quality organic, pasture-raised jerky is also a good choice. You can find beef, fish, and turkey in jerky varieties now in most health food stores.
- Good-quality water is harder to come by since airlines do not permit bringing water from home. You will likely have to purchase bottled water in the terminal after you check your luggage and go through security. When you reach your destination, look for good-quality filtered water at a local health food store.
While traveling, always take probiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes. These substances will help minimize gastro-intestinal distress and digestive issues. Also be certain to bring your regular supplements such as vitamins, essential fatty acids, and any other important tablets you take for health.
Please check back tomorrow for part two of our eating healthy while traveling series.