Monday, October 13, 2008

Your Vote Counts!

This election season, make your vote count. Educate yourself on the issues and learn which candidates support important platforms such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.

It's true that the way our leaders think about these topics will have a profound impact on how the youth of our nation views these things for generations to come. Foundations of eating healthy and respecting the earth and environment start at a young age. If our leaders (i.e., the president), show our youth that eating a truly healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle are meaningful, those individuals who are vocal about eating slow and homegrown foods will inspire many others to follow suit. If our next president follows The WhoFarm petition's request to invite students in the public and private schools to help garden at The White House, this could have a notable effect on the edible landscape in our school rooms and America.

Here are some other things you can do to bring awareness to your community about living and eating healthy:
  • Get involved locally wherever you can to make a difference in the way people live and eat.
  • Start a local garden.
  • Find out what your children are eating in school and strive to make changes. Visit the Two Angry Moms web site and find out how you can affect your community locally.
  • Form wellness groups in schools, places of business, and other arenas to help educate people and bring about change.
  • Plan events that are centered around slow food and sustainable living such as cooking and educational events. Organize events at private homes, schools, health clubs, libraries, or places of business.
Please take a look at and sign this nonpartisan petition to request our next president to plant a garden in the lawn of The White House. And, don't forget to go to the polls and make your vote count!

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