There are some natural alternatives to taking care of your health and your Diabetes. Diabetes is largely a modern disease that is caused by a combination of inactivity and consumption of processed, industrial foods. Eating a healthy diet should enable you to overcome your disease and lead a healthy life. Here are the foods you should eliminate from your diet:
Anything processed and containing refined carbohydrates such as:
- crackers
- bread
- pasta
- bagels
- rice cakes
- packaged cereals
- most breads
- alternative grain products that are processed such as the above
- industrial pasteurized/homogenized dairy products - especially low-fat and non-fat
- processed (roasted, salted, coated) nuts and seeds
- non-organic nut butter that comes from roasted nuts
- refined, vegetable oils like canola, soy, safflower, cottonseed, sunflower, and other vegetable oils
- soy products of all kinds (except those that are fermented like miso and tempeh)
- industrial meats
- conventionally produced fruits and vegetables
Here's what you should include in your diet:
- grass-fed, naturally and organically raised meats, pasture-raised poultry
- raw milk and dairy (cheese, cream, butter) from organic, pasture-raised cattle
- eggs from pasture-raised poultry
- organically-produced fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables
- raw nuts and seeds
- organically-produced nut butters (avoid peanut butter)
- natural, healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, palm oil, and coconut oil, real butter from grass-fed cattle, tallow and lard from healthy beef and chicken (see above)
- whole grains (avoid flour) from the bulk isle in the grocery store such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat, teff, quinoa, spelt, whole wheat, millet, oats, etc. that are soaked before eating and sprouted grains (try Ezekiel brand products)
- fermented foods like real, home-made yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, lacto-fermented vegetables, and others
- Focus on regular activity rather than length of time spent doing the activity.
- Do something you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle and interests.
- The best type of activity is something you can do outside. It allows you to get fresh air and sunshine (natural Vitamin D is very important for health), and gets you out of your everyday environment of the home or office.
- Start out slow if you have been sedentary.
- Don't focus on calories or fat intake as a method of losing weight. If you do, you will continue to struggle with weight issues. If you are eating whole, healthy foods and obtaining regular activity in your schedule, your normal weight should be easy to maintain.
For more information on types of healthy foods, read How Well Do Know Your Food? Find Out!
For more information on fats and health, read The Importance of Dietary Fats.
I have a comment and a question. First, why are processed foods so terrible? Processing food only means preparing it in such a way that is more useful to the consumer. Making wheat into flour for bread is not so terrible for diabetes, it just removes the cooking part for the consumer. And how does eating strictly organic or pasture fed meats aid in regulating blood sugar? Protein is not manipulated by the type of feedstuff fed to the animal, just fat content. And even so, what does keeping organic have to do with anything?
Blood sugar levels are affected by anything that is not a real food - so when you eat refined, processed foods, you are damaging your body first by penetrating your digestive system. Those substances are not recognized by the body and go into your bloodstream and become toxins in your body. The body moves these substances around and does not know what to do with them. They become stored as fat since the body does not recognize it. When toxins are stored in fat cells, they interfere with every organ system and body process. Also, refined foods like flour in bread and other grain products are higher in carbohydrate (check the labels for sprouted grains versus flour products and you'll see what I mean). Those items naturally raise the blood sugar more, create a greater need for insulin, and cause the body to be up and down instead of even as it would be more so with whole foods which contain more natural levels of carbs to protein.
And yes, protein is very much manipulated by the body due to what the animal the protein comes from has eaten. Animals who eat grains, corn, and soy (like cattle who are ruminants - do a search on this and learn about what cattle are supposed to eat), are not meant to consume those substances. Those substances cause the meat to be higher in carbohydrate content, lower in protein, and higher in Omega 6 content, which causes the blood sugar to raise and lower more extremely and creates and inflammatory response in the body which causes degenerative disease (remember, cardiovascular and diabetes disorders are inextricably linked together). When cattle are fed corn, grain, and soy, it makes them sick and the farmers administer antibiotics to keep them from getting disease. Of course, the antibiotics get in the meat and cause health problems to humans who consume it such as antibiotic resistance. Chicken and pork are the same. There really is nothing about industrially-produced foods that are good for the body. In fact, in addition to being lower in nutritional content, the added ingredients of chemicals make the body sick by depleting it of nutrients and by the introduction of toxins.
Processed foods are terrible because by the very nature of processing, live nutrients are taken out and destroyed, only to be added back in synthetically. Synthetic nutrients are not recognized by the body. Science cannot do better than nature.
If you compare the nutritional content of a grass-fed piece of meat to that of a commercial, industrial piece of meat, you can see protein, fat, and carbohydrate levels are different. Protein is higher in the grass-fed than commercial, carbohydrate and calorie levels are higher in the commercial than grass-fed. The fat content is also lower in grass-fed meat.
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