Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fevers and Illness

Are fevers dangerous? Actually, no. A fever is the body's response against foreign invaders that come into the body such as viruses and bacteria. When infection is present, the body manufactures additional white blood cells, known as leukocytes. The job of these cells is to fight infection by destroying bacteria and viruses. When those have been destroyed, the white blood cells remove the dead tissue. The activity level of white blood cells speeds up as they move to the site of infection to remedy the problem. This process, called, leucotaxis, is activated by the release of pyrogens which raise the body temperature above normal. Oxygen consumption and metabolic rate increases, also contributing to the increase in body temperature.

The presence of these functions indicates the healing process is working. Bacteria also need iron to survive. In response to this, the body removes iron from the blood to be stored in the liver. The number of bacteria which can multiply is then reduced.

When the body generates a fever, as a general rule, taking antibiotics or over-the-counter medications for pain or fever reduction is not a good idea. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, a medical pediatrician agrees, "When the body temperature is elevated due to a cold and influenza it may generate a fever up to 105 degrees, but even at that level it is not a legitimate cause for alarm. More important is determining whether a fever is the result of mild infection like a common cold, or a more serious one such as meningitis, is the overall appearance, behavior, and attitude of the child." In the rare instance that a high fever might cause a seizure or convulsions, these episodes usually last no longer than five minutes and will cease without treatment. When the episode is concluded, the person with the fever will usually go to sleep. Upon waking, permanent damage does not result and the person should be fine.

George Wootan, M.D., who wrote Pediatrics: A Course for Parents, stated that the increase in body temperature has nothing to do with the severity of the illness. Body temperature will regulate itself as needed. If temperature elevates, there is a reason and its presence is necessary to fight off infection. Fevers are a powerful defense against disease and it is well-known in intelligent medical circles that fevers activate the immune system in a positive way.

Allowing the body to sustain a fever, in most cases, is not only helpful to fighting off infection but also provides the body a chance to develop natural immunity to the invader causing the illness. This supplies the body with protection for future exposure to bacteria and viruses. The best regimen to follow when you have a fever is to rest, stay adequately hydrated - drink at least eight ounces an hour, eat healthy foods, and keep warm when chills accompany the illness.

Effective, natural treatments for fevers caused by colds, bacteria, and viruses include chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathic, and naturopathic care. For more information on treating your body naturally when you have a fever, visit Doctor Yourself.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Dangers of Fluoride

Do you drink tap water? Do you or anyone in your family use fluoride toothpaste or take fluoride treatments at the dentist? Fluoride found in some of our tap water supply and used in treatments at the dentist, particularly for children, is a toxic substance to the human body. The use of this dangerous chemical has been found ineffective toward reducing tooth decay and poses serious health risks. The following information about fluoride may change your mind about using it.

In a statement first released August 9, 2007, over 1,450 professionals urged Congress to stop water fluoridation. The Fluoride Action Network describes itself as “an international coalition seeking to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures.” FAN, a non-profit group releases pertinent data and checks on government policies about the use of fluoride.

The National Research Panel of the National Academies released a 500-page report in 2006 regarding the toxicology of fluoride. The report states the hazards and unknowns of long-term fluoride use, and challenges the EPA’s current safe water drinking standard for fluoride.

FAN has reported the following health issues as a result of fluoride use: increased risk of bone fractures, decreased function of thyroid, arthritic-like symptoms, lowered IQ, dental fluorosis and, possibly, osteosarcoma." People included as higher risk would be children, those with Diabetes, and those who have kidney problems. Anyone who consumes above average amounts of tap water are in danger as well.

Communicate to your legislature that you want an end to fluoridation now! Visit the Fluoride Action Network to sign the online petition.

Monday, May 26, 2008

How Chemical Exposures Affect Health

More than 70,000 synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals are in modern commercial use. Only a very small percentage of these have been examined to adequately determine levels of toxicity to humans - especially for cases of multiple exposure. However, even minimal exposure can be significant on a biological level.

Substances that are cause for concern include the following:
  • Industrial chemicals including solvents (toulene, benzene, perchloroethylene, and tri-chloroethylene
  • Metals (lead, mercury, cadmium)
  • Pesticides
  • Endocrine disruptors (dioxins, PCBs, some pesticides, alkylphenols, phthalates)
Places where exposure can occur:

Cleaning products
Paints and varnishes
Hobby materials
Building materials
Home office products
Pet care products
Contaminated water (ingestion, skin absorption, inhalation)
Indoor air

Agriculture and food preparation (pesticides)
Health care
Dry cleaning
Auto repair industries (solvents)
Jewelry making (metals)

Hazardous waste sites (landfills, military bases)
Waste incinerators
Industrial emissions
Dry cleaners
Gas stations
Farms and greenhouses

Exposure to these chemicals can lead to infertility, cause miscarriages, cause birth defects, hormone disruption, and/or chromose damage.

For information about lead poisoning, call LeadLine at 1-800-368-5060. To learn more about companies and consumers that support poison-free living and products, become a part of the Coming Clean Campaign and visit the Organic Consumers web site. This organization is working to rid the marketplace of personal care products which are mislabeled as natural and organic but contain dangerous chemicals.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are necessary in the alimentary canal (intestinal tract) to allow the body to absorb food. Over time, processed diets of developed countries can contribute to an overall inability of the body to lose absorption of the nutrients it needs from foods. Taking digestive enzymes, along with a healthy diet, exercise, and detoxification, can aid the body in becoming healthy enough to be able to absorb these nutrients we need from the foods we eat. Lack of enzymes can cause many health problems such as allergies, candida overgrowth, and immune system disorders.

A good source for natural enzymes comes from raw foods such as raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and raw dairy from a reputable source. Foods heated to above 118 degrees lose their precious, live enzymatic content. Processed, preserved, homogenized, and pasteurized foods - which comprise a great deal of the food supply in developed countries, are the leading culprits which cause the very health issues described above.

When cooking, cook foods on the lowest heat possible. Steam and lightly sautee vegetables. When preparing certain meats that are healthy, natural, and organic such as wild game and beef, cooking the meat until it medium-well or medium rare is actually a very beneficial way to consume because the enzymes and proteins are left intact. If you eat the meat right away, you should experience no ill-effects from consuming it.

For more information about digestive enzymes, visit Healing Daily and the Enzymedica site, a leading manufacturer of superior digestive products.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eat Raw Nuts

Are nuts one of the foods you eat every day? A good source of healthy fats comes from nuts and seeds. To reap maximium benefits of these foods, they should be eaten raw. Roasted nuts are not healthy because in order to achieve that roasted flavor, nuts are heated and their delicate fats are denatured, rendering them less absorbable by the human digestive tract. Two handfuls daily are a good rule of thumb. Eat nuts on salads, in casseroles, hot cereals, or by the handful.

Raw nuts are contain good levels of unsaturated fats, which is useful for the cardiovascular system. They contain magnesium which supports bone structure and chromium which regulates proper insulin function. Also found in nuts is zinc for growth and wound healing, and manganese which protects against free-radicals. All nuts are a good source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant. Like all plant foods, they are high in fiber and phytochemicals—both of which help protect against cancer and other chronic diseases.

A good place to find nuts that are less expensive is the bulk aisle of your food store. They are generally fresher and have a better flavor, too. Avoid buying nuts in containers as there is no way to tell how long they have been sitting in the store or somewhere else in storage.

Buy organic whenever possible to avoid unnecessary toxins from pesticides and other chemicals. The only instance where organic is not superior is in peanuts. Peanuts are not one of the best choices since they contain aflatoxins - a mold that tends to infest these nuts more than any other. This toxin has also been found in wheat, soy, corn, and soybeans as well. There have been various concerns raised about consuming even low levels of aflatoxins, especially with the enormous amounts of allergies people have to peanuts. For this reason, eliminating peanuts entirely from your diet is not a bad idea.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sun Exposure and Sun Protection

Human beings need sun exposure, but how much? You need your daily sun exposure of about 20 - 30 minutes for health. The rays you receive from the sun contain Vitamin D, and natural Vitamin D is important for preventing cancers of the lung, prostate, colon as well as skin, and other diseases such as lymphoma. Skin cancer is rarely deadly, and lack of sun exposure may be actually worse for your health than too much.

How can you protect yourself from too much sun exposure? First, try to limit direct exposure on bare body parts to no more than 20 - 30 minutes daily. If you find that you must be out in the sun longer, here are some tips:
  • Wear long sleeves and pants (white or light colors are good for repelling heat). In the desert, native people wear long, white or light-colored clothing to protect themselves from sun damage.
  • Wear hats - especially large-brim hats to keep the sun out of your face as well as off your head.
  • Wear head scarves, wraps, or turbans to protect your scalp and areas around your hair that are not on your face.
  • Get out of the sun whenever you can and seek shade. Avoid the sun at mid-day hours when it is hottest and most damaging. Keep in mind that the sun is more powerful in tropical locations and higher altitudes as well. Water also reflects off water, snow, sand and concrete. Use particular care in such situations.
  • Wear protective eye-wear that provides optimal UVA, UVB, and UVC coverage. Inquire where professional eye-wear is sold about this important protection. Generally, optometrists carry eye-wear with this type of protection. Many stores and merchants do not.
  • If you must wear sunscreen, choose a reputable brand that "physically" covers and protects your skin, such as Badger (SPF 30) or California Baby (SPF 30). These products are the highest-rated sunscreen by Cosmetics Database. Most sunscreens are not healthy to use and contain toxic chemicals that can cause health problems. Learn the difference between a chemical sunscreen and a mineral or physical sunscreen - those which contain either zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Check out Cosmetics Database for a directory of top-selling sunscreens and see if the brand you use is on this list. Only 14 percent of sunscreens sold on the market effectively block UVA and UVB damaging rays and contain minimal or no toxic ingredients.
  • When wearing sunscreen, keep in mind that you must apply a thick enough layer to cover your skin evenly, and provide adequate protection. Reapply often if you are going to be out in the sun for a long period of time - once per hour, and particularly more so if you are in the water. Choose sunscreens with at least 15 SPF or higher.
  • If you have left over sunscreen from a previous year, throw it out and purchase new.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Treat Your Depression Naturally!

Don't take antidepressants unless you really need them. Millions of Americans succumb to taking drugs for their mental ailments without earnestly trying other routes. Here are some great alternatives to taking pills:
  • Get outside twenty minutes a day, or more if possible. Don't stay sitting in one position longer than about 30 minutes at a time before redirecting your focus to something else. If you work in an office or a cubicle, get up and walk around every so often. Get some water, or have a healthy snack. Go outside for fresh air for five or ten minutes.
  • Engage in some type of exercise that gets your heart rate and breathing up 3 to 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes at at time.
  • Don't smoke, take drugs, or overindulge in alcoholic beverages. Studies show that people who use these substances tend to have more depression and mental issues.
  • Eat healthy foods. Don't cave in to sugary, processed junk or snacks when your body needs real, natural, organic foods with whole fats, lots of fiber, protein, and nutrients. Eat lots of vegetables, moderate amounts of fruits, and moderate amounts of whole grain (sprouted) breads. Eat grass-fed, natural meats. Eat wild-caught fish.
  • Make meals regular and have small snacks inbetween.
  • Drink plenty of filtered water.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed by 10:30 p.m. and don't sleep later than 7 a.m.
  • Seek alternative health care options for various issues you might be experiencing - among good choices are: chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, reflexology, massage, naturopathic care, nutritional therapy, or yoga classes.
Stay healthy mentally, and you'll be healthy physically as well. It's all connected!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Importance of Buying Local

Here are some compelling reasons to buy local:
  • You have a much better chance of being able to trace how your food is raised and produced. According to recent research, many outfits claiming to use "organic", "natural", "free-range", and so-called "humane" methods actually do not employ these practices and use these terms to turn a profit. Use caution, because if that is indeed the case, there is even more good reason to buy from local farmers where you can contact them and arrange to visit their premises to verify that conditions under which produce is produced and animals are living is indeed acceptable.
  • Children are at an advantage when they eat local food purchased by their families because they develop a knowledge and appreciation for where food comes from - especially when you involve your children in the choosing and purchasing of the food you eat.
  • Supporting your local economy feeds back into the efforts of those same merchants and farmers, and provides a climate which allows those individuals to continue bringing safe, healthy food to your family and community.
  • You will help reduce your carbon footprint by using less fossil fuels. The largest usage of fossil fuels in factory farming is not transporting food or fueling machinery; it’s chemicals. As much as forty percent of energy used in the food system goes towards the production of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. "Fertilizers are synthesized from atmospheric nitrogen and natural gas, a process that takes a significant amount of energy. Producing and distributing them requires an average of 5.5 gallons of fossil fuels per acre". (Richard Manning:"The Oil We Eat: Following the Food Chain Back to Iraq", Harpers, July 23, 2004).
  • Food that travels a distance picks up toxins along the way and also loses its nutritional value, the less fresh it is. Flavor also suffers, as fresh always tastes superior to frozen, canned, or even something fresh that is shipped 1500 miles in two days.
Although it is true that some foods produced in your local communities do not use practices and methods you would want to support, it makes it vastly easier to find those things out when those farmers and merchants are 30 or 40 miles from home as opposed to 1500 miles away. Be willing to do the necessary research to make certain the food you are eating and buying is healthy and sustainable. Think about it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Digestive Health and Your Appendix

Is the appendix really a useless organ? Maybe not. In 2007, researchers at Duke University uncovered research supporting the fact that the appendix is indeed necessary. However, doctors claim that in developed countries, loss of an appendix is not a problem because if the flora from your digestive system dies it can easily be replenished by germs from other people. Considering the average health of a person from a developed country such as the United States, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you would be receiving sufficient support for the digestive system.

The world is chock-full of microorganisms, and the more beneficial bacteria in your gut, the better. Something you aren't likely to find from casual contact with other people is beneficial bacteria that will help your immune system and digestion. Furthermore, when you engage in intimate contact with others such as family members and significant others, the types of bacteria you are most likely to pick up are the kind that can cause disease and illness such as candida overgrowth.

Prevention can help avoid disease of the appendix. That prevention is a healthy lifestyle. People who have experienced appendix problems or ruptured (perforated) appendix may not have had issues had they maintained a healthy way of life up to that point.

Some ways to protect your appendix and support digestive health include the following dietary considerations:

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and moderate amounts of whole, sprouted grains. Avoid processed grain products such as crackers, bagels, cereal bars, pastas, and other similar items.
  • Take a good probiotic that contains at least 9 active strains
  • Drink plenty of filtered water (mineral water is a plus)
  • Eat a good variety of healthy meats and poultry that are naturally sustained and fed on pasture or alfalfa, certified organic is a plus.
  • Make certain you are getting enough fiber in your diet. If you aren't, supplement with a good product such as Biotics Research Colon Plus or Sonnes.
Another important component for good digestive health is proper nutritional supplementation with organic, whole-foods based vitamins and minerals to help heal a damaged immune system, as well as a detoxification program. Consult a knowledgeable health care practitioner before undertaking any cleansing activity, as you can cause further damage and waste a lot of money if you don't know exactly what to do for your own individual needs.

One of the main reasons other than a genetic predisposition to appendix trouble for a diseased appendix is poor diet and lifestyle choices. This organ typically begins to act up when the hollow portion of this finger-shaped structure becomes obstructed with various particles such as hardened stool, parasites, tumors, stones, or other foreign bodies. If you have had your appendix removed, it is of particular importance to supplement your diet each day with good quality probiotics.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mammograms Do Not Save Lives

Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among American women between the ages of 44 and 55. Here is some startling and little-known information about mammograms you may not know - mammograms can actually increase your risk of developing cancer. Mammograms are an ineffective tool for early detection of cancer for the following reasons:
  • The use of radiation to create an image of breast tissue can only increase the risk of harmful exposure and heightens the risk of developing cancer.
  • Mammograms are historically well-known for delivering a noticeably high rate of false-positive findings. A Swedish study of mammograms concluded that out of 60,000 women 70 percent of tumors detected by this method were in fact, not tumors. False-positive findings cause unnecessary financial as well as emotional stress on the patient, family, and friends. Mammograms also come out with at least as many false-positives. In his book, Politics of Cancer, Dr. Samuel S. Epstein reports that 1 in 4 instances of cancer is missed during mammography. The rate is even higher according to the National Cancer Institute at 40 percent among women ages 40 to 49.
  • Compression of breast tissue can often lead to further development of mutated cells and cancerous conditions. As far back as 1928, warnings were issued to physicians to handle "cancerous breasts with care— for fear of accidentally disseminating cells" and spreading cancer (from D.T. Quigley, Some neglected points in the pathology of breast cancer, and treatment of breast cancer. Radiology, May 1928, pp. 338– 346). Mammography utilizes tight compression of breast tissue to complete its imaging, which can lead to the rupture of malignant cells and blood vessels near undetected cancers.

In 1978, Irwin J. D. Bross., Director of Biostatistics at Roswell Park Memorial Institute for Cancer Research remarked about the cancer screening program:

"The women should have been given the information about the hazards of radiation at the same time they were given the sales talk for mammography... Doctors were gung ho to use it on a large scale. They went right ahead and X rayed not just a few women but a quarter of a million women... A jump to the exposure of a quarter of a million persons to something which could do more harm than good was criminal and it was supported by money from the federal government and the American Cancer Society." (Excerpt from H.L. Newbold, Vitamin C Against Cancer, 1979).

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) was warned in 1974 by professor Malcolm C. Pike at the University of Southern California School of Medicine that a number of specialists had concluded that "giving a women under age 50 a mammogram on a routine basis is close to unethical." (From "XRay Mammography Background to a Decision," By Daniel Greenberg in the New
England Journal of Medicine, September 23, 1976).

Many women who have fibrous tissue or lumps deemed as benign and also are under the age of 40 - the age at which the American Cancer Society recommends annual screenings should begin - are coerced into having mammograms done repeatedly, even when no cancerous findings are located. This causes unnecessary exposure to radiation and compression. Most traditional practitioners also spend little to no time emphasizing natural treatments nor lifestyle and nutritional alternations which could largely reduce or entirely prevent carcinogenic development.

A good alternative to mammograms is a process called thermography, or "mammoscaning". Thermography is an FDA approved procedure which does not use radiation nor breast compression, and has been used in European countries for many years. Thermography does not lose effectiveness due to denseness of breast tissue, as is the frequent criticism of mammograms - thus reducing chances of false-negative results. The process uses infrared imaging sensors to detect heat changes in the body that signal the presence of cancerous findings. This process can actually detect changes that could mean a precancerous condition even earlier than mammography, allowing patient and doctor to map out lifestyle changes and provide a much higher rate of survival and prevention of further malignant development.

The technology of thermography, then, should be great news to women everywhere for education and knowledge about a frightening medical issue that can bring information soon enough to implement necessary changes to prevent a problem from occurring in the future. For more information about this exciting technology, visit the site of Dr. Rose Thomas, Naturopathic Physician.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Compare Activa with Nature's Life Probiotic

There is a lot of media hype about products containing probiotics for health. If you are wondering about the healthful benefits of products such as Activa or a similarly marketed product, wonder no more. These products are full of chemicals and pasteurized dairy, which does not help digestion as claimed by advertisements. In fact, prolonged use of products such as this one will create more problems than it will solve such as candida overgrowth, blood sugar disorders or Diabetes, as well as heart disease.

For healthy, probiotic support from a reputable product, try Nature's Life Green Apple Pro 96 Acidophilus. On this link, you can read a complete list of ingredients. This product is completely natural, contains no dairy, and also includes important enzymes for digestion from plants like papain, oat fiber, bromelain, spirulina, kelp, chlorophyll and barley grass as well as amino acids.

Here is a list of ingredients in Activa by Dannon:

Cultured grade A reduced fat milk, strawberry, fructose syrup, sugar, modified corn starch, contains less than 1% of fructose, whey protein concentrate, kosher gelatin, natural flavor, carmine (for color), sodium citrate, malic acid.

The average container of Activa contains 13 grams or higher of sugar and reduced fat milk which is unhealthy to consume because it is not a whole food. With all the other chemicals in this product, it's a wonder customers are unable to see it for what it is and have been convinced this product is actually a health food. In addition, anything with "modified food starch" should be avoided, as this substance adds nothing to the nutritional value of the food and is toxic as it comes from genetically altered corn.

In general, store bought yogurts are a health hazard and should be avoided as they are generally processed and are not whole foods. Any yogurt that you do intend to consume should be as natural as possible, and be made from organic, full-fat milk. There should be little to no added sugars, colors, or other substances in the product as those negate any health benefits you might gain from eating yogurt in the first place.

Other good natural, whole foods to obtain probiotic benefit from include the following:
  • Raw, cultured organic butter from grass-fed cows
  • Raw, organic milk from grass-fed cows
  • Raw, organic cheese from grass-fed cows
  • Miso soup with bacteria that has not been pasteurized
For an in-depth article about good probiotic choices, visit Agriculture Society.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hot Lunch Away From Home

Here's a great way to keep soups, stews, and casseroles hot in your lunch box until lunchtime:

Heat a pot or kettle with water to boiling, and then pour the boiling water into a thermos - preferred types are aluminum or stainless steel. Allow the water to sit in the thermos for about 3 minutes. Replace the water with boiling food. Your food will stay hot for 2 - 3 hours. Use this method instead of a microwave at work, since microwave ovens destroy nutrients and enzymes in food.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Your Gallbladder Needs Fat

Many people at younger ages are experiencing gallbladder problems. The gallbladder is a delicate organ whose job is to concentrate and store bile from the liver, which is used to digest fats. Many practitioners tell people who are having gallstone issues to avoid high fat diets, but one of the main reasons people develop gallbladder problems in the first place is from a highly-concentrated diet of processed and fried or deep-fried foods. Real fats and proteins such as healthy meats and whole, raw dairy products do not cause these issues to arise because they are natural and necessary to the body.

There are many different things you can do to treat a diseased gallbladder without pharmaceutical intervention or surgery. If you are having gallbladder problems, see a certified nutritional therapist. Nutritional therapists are ideally qualified to help eliminate gallbladder distress without surgery and drugs. He or she will evaluate your condition and place you on a protocol to nutritionally supplement your body with substances in which it is lacking, and recommend a healthier way of eating - i.e., whole foods, natural fats, lots of purified water, and removal of alcoholic beverages and processed foods from your diet. Your practitioner will likely also recommend a type of liver/gallbladder cleanse detoxification.

Research shows living without your gallbladder can be even more detrimental to your health, and can compound your risk of developing more serious health issues such as colon cancer. At the very least, removal of the gallbladder upsets the delicate balance of your digestive system and can cause varying degrees of problems from nausea to diarrhea to lower energy levels and weight gain.

So, before you make a decision to remove your gallbladder, consult with a knowledgeable health care practitioner who is willing to treat your problem with natural remedies. For more information about dealing with your gallbladder and digestive system naturally, visit Gallbladder

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Use Oil of Oregano

Looking for a natural and effective treatment for many ailments? Oil of Oreganol (also known as Oil or Oreganol P73) is one of the safest, most powerful natural anti-bacterial and antibiotics (NOT pharmaceutical) available.

The oregano in Oil of Oregano comes from wild Mediterranean sources and supports health in many ways, but is particularly effective for boosting the immune system. Oregano contains antioxidants which help fight the takeover of free radicals in the body. This natural oil is also a super antiseptic, killing unfriendly germs. It is also capable of extinguishing fungi, yeast, viruses, and parasites as well as bacteria. This product is very effective against many flus, colds, and other illnesses, and has been used since Biblical times for similar purposes. It can be taken topically as well as internally.

When selecting a container of Oil of Oreganol, make certain you choose a variety that is from the Mediterranean, and not derived from wild Spanish thyme (check the label), which is your assurance of high quality and guarantee that you are indeed purchasing the genuine oregano oil.

The oil is very powerful on the tongue and should be taken with water. The best method is to add 3 - 5 drops to a small glass of water and drink it down. I have personally experienced sinus headaches disappearing within minutes after taking this remedy, as well as know others who have had similar occurrences.

For additional information about this wonderous substance and how it can help you, visit VitaMaker. To learn about how this plant has been researched and clinically proven to improve health, read an incredible book by Dr. Cass Ingram called The Cure is in The Cupboard.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Omega 3s - You Need Them!

Are you getting enough Omega 3s in your diet? Most people aren't. These important, essential fatty acids are crucial in many functions in the body. You can obtain Omega 3s from foods like flaxseed and walnuts, but the best sources for these critical elements are from pasture-raised eggs, organic, raw dairy products, grass-fed meats, and deep-sea marine fish.

Especially in Western and developed nations, people consume too many Omega 6s and 9s (especially in processed grains), which contributes greatly to early onset of many diseases such as Diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, and cancer. Our bodies need Omega 3s because we don't produce them naturally like the Omega 6s and 9s. Adequate amounts of Omega 3s assist the following:
  • Reduces damage to tissues
  • Cardiovasular health
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
  • Supports energy levels and ability to concentrate
  • Provides mental clarity
  • Promotes optimal cholesterol levels (LDL to HDL ratios)
  • Maintains cellular integrity
  • Reduces damage from free-radicals
The essential fatty acids DHA and EPA can only be found in fish oils. You must use extreme care in selection of these products because most are inferior and have gone rancid sitting on the shelf. Here are your best bets:

Carlson's Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil
Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oils

If you do not take fish oil, another outstanding product which provides excellent Omega 3 support is SIBU. SIBU is a liquid, life-giving supplement containing seabuckthorn berry, a highly nutritive plant grown in the Himalayan Mountains used for centuries by natives to maintain optimal health. It is purported to contain many other nutritional benefits not found in most other supplements such as Omega 7 essential fatty acids, and is a natural antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, and anti-radiation therapy.

Add the important dietary sources listed above to your diet or take a good quality fish oil or SIBU and realize great health.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What About the Rice Shortage?

In the news, everyone is talking about the rice shortage. This doesn't have to be viewed as a negative occurrence. As other commodities such as wheat and corn continue to rise in price as well, there is a definite sense of panic ensuing around the globe. We've been told by environmental voices to cut down on meat consumption due to the extreme damage to the environment caused by industrial cattle farms. What can we do?
  • Relax and know that consuming less wheat, corn, and rice is a good step for health. You will be consuming less carbohydrates (and many of these are processed and full of chemicals) which will reduce insulin levels and weight problems, diseases associated with those issues such as Diabetes and heart disease, and increase energy levels. Many healthy and delicious meals can be eaten without wheat, corn, and rice. Get creative! Use spices and seasonings to help enhance flavor in your food and make flavors appealing.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits, raw nuts, and legumes.
  • Eat moderate amounts of organic, grass-fed and naturally raised meats and poultry (naturally high in Omega 3s, high in protein and low in calories). By supporting those types of agriculture, you will help minimize mass waste of resources, health, and land as with industrial and factory farming.
  • Consider eating game meat and safe seafoods. These foods are higher in Omega 3s, which is vital to human health, and contain good fats, proteins, and enzymes for health.
  • If you haven't in the past, start considering raw dairy products in your choice of foods. Raw dairy is extremely beneficial to health as it contains undisturbed, whole enzymes and probiotics which are important to digestion and the immune system.
  • When in doubt about what to eat, always choose whole food options over anything else.
  • If you aren't someone who typically prepares home-cooked meals, start cooking more foods from scratch. Learn where foods come from and educate yourself about how to create your own meals instead of relying on others to do it for you. Remember, this is a valuable survival skill.
  • Many foods containing rice, corn, and wheat are packaged and processed foods which are full of chemicals and ultimately cost more money at the cash register. Don't rely on those types of foods to keep you healthy or make you feel satisfied; they never have been a good choice for health and they never will.
Follow these tips and you will save money and improve your health!